Recipe given to me as part of the bridal gift of family recipe favorites in 1982. Is a Humphrey Family tradition and favorite.
1 cup dried apricots, cut in thin strips
1 lemon, cut in thin slices
3/4 cups water
5 cups peeled and finely diced ripe pears
4 cups sugar
1 tablespoon rum flavoring
Combine apricots, lemon and water in saucepan. Cover and simmer for five minutes to plump and soften the apricots.
Combine the pears and sugar in a heavy 4 quart kettle. Cook over low heat until clear and thick – about one hour. Stir often to prevent scorching.
Add the apricot mixture and stir well. Add the rum flavoring. Simmer for a few more minutes for the added fruit to come up to temperature.
Ladle into sterilized hot half pint jars (four). Process hot water bath for five minutes.
Serve as a side condiment to meats and meals.